Leadership Is Action, Not Position

Three weeks ago an old army friend invited myself, two others and our families over for a house warming barbecue. The four of us catch up several times a year and always ensure we spend our ANZAC days together, having a laugh and reminiscing about our time in service some 15 years ago. As the afternoon started […]

Are You A Great Leader?

Throughout my military career, I was fortunate enough to have worked with many determined and dedicated soldiers who truly epitomize mateship, sacrifice, endurance, and courage. These are convictions that Australian troops pride themselves on, and they are things that set us apart from the rest of the world. I now train both corporate and professional […]

The Power Of Momentum

It is odorless, colorless, and tasteless. You can feel it, lose it, and gain it. It’s elusive, it’s invisible, and at times it’s difficult to find. But when you have it, you are well on your way to achieving your goals. It is something that all elite soldiers, athletes, and successful people possess, and it’s […]

Your Greatest Investment

Three months ago I was running a corporate training program designed to bring a team together and improve communication within the group. As I went around the room asking what they perceived the problem was and why a large number of the group were angry and resentful to one another, I started to find a consensus […]

Keep Your Head & Standards High

When you consciously set standards for your life, whether it be how you expect to be treated, how you expect to treat others, where you live, the quality of the food you eat, or the quality of relationship you are willing to settle for, you are deciding on what meets and exceeds your highest standards […]

How Full Is Your Cup?

Over the next few weeks, I am going to be discussing what it takes to lead a team and also be a team player, whether it be in a sporting or corporate environment. A great deal of what I have to share will be relevant to relationships as well. By definition, teamwork starts with individuals who are […]

We Have Got This All Wrong

During my time in the Army, I witnessed first hand young soldiers constantly on edge with a fight or flight attitude. This happens in military operations from Vietnam to modern-day war zones such as Afghanistan and Iraq, where it is difficult to make a distinction between those who are fighting against you and those who […]

You Are The Result Of Your Choices

I conduct presentations and speak for corporate events all over the country. I have come to realise that some people are so adept at making excuses that they make them automatically or subconsciously. They constantly attempt to avoid responsibility for choices or decisions they make. When faced with making a choice or offering an excuse, […]

What Will Matter?

This week’s blog post is short, sharp and straight to the point. When I was writing Be You. Be Great. I came across a poem by Michael Josephson, a former law professor, speaker and lecturer on the subject of ethics. His words resonated with me and I thought this would dovetail brilliantly to the end of my chapter on fear. I contacted […]