This is probably one of the most powerful videos I have watched over the last decade. I encourage you, friends and family, to invest 15 minutes of your time and watch this and listen very carefully to the message from a selected few that have been on the coal face and front line. I witness […]
Teamwork Starts With Three Words
Throughout my military career, I was fortunate enough to have worked with many determined and dedicated soldiers who truly epitomize mateship, sacrifice, endurance, and courage. These are convictions that Australian troops pride themselves on, and they are things that set us apart from the rest of the world. I now train both corporate and professional […]
Small Incremental Increases Equals Big Change
On your journey to a creating a collaborative team, you need to determine exactly what it is you want and what direction in which you wish to lead them. To achieve this, you will require a detailed plan and the determination to work at it every day. Don’t set out to build the Great Wall […]
Every Great Leader
Years ago, I used to present to young soldiers on ethics training and the importance of mental toughness in the face of adversity. I would approach a brick wall and bang my hand against it. I would then tell my audience that I could walk through that wall. A large percentage of them always had […]
This Is Your Wake Up Call
Last night I received an email from a grieving mother who has asked me to share her message and tragic story with you, in the hope that as many people as possible realise that life is a gift and we should never take it for granted. A 15-year-old boy recently lost his life and […]
Trade Expectations For Appreciation
Back in 2012, I decided to write a journal for my wife. Every day for almost twelve months, I wrote something positive about her and the reasons I loved her. I looked for the small things she did, which I tended to take for granted, rather than her bigger and more obvious qualities. I looked […]
The Recipe For Success
Quite simply, most of us are doing it wrong! This whole life thing, most of us think that there is a silver bullet, that one single thing that will improve how you lead, influence others and lead a more fulfilling life. If you want to lead a successful life, be happier and inspire the best in […]
ALONE, so little. TOGETHER, so much
The response to my last newsletter, ‘Strength In Numbers’ was overwhelming, so, seeing as it was such a big hit, I thought I would elaborate further and highlight the fact that you did not get where you are, no matter who you are, on your own. In the video attached, Arnold Schwarzenegger says that ‘as […]
Wolves Don’t Lose Sleep Over The Opinion Of Sheep
I was always a skinny kid – the skinny kid who was always too small or too scrawny to be any good at anything. I used to listen to what people would say, but instead of discouraging me, their words motivated me – because I knew I had something that most other people didn’t have: […]
Strength In Numbers
I was sitting in a coffee shop the other day and was fortunate enough to strike up a conversation with a gentleman who was 85 years young. Before long, the subject got onto that of generational differences and how things have dramatically changed since he was a young man, some 60-70 years ago. He […]