Selfless Leadership

In my final weeks before discharging from the Army, I was scalded and threatened by a Major walking nearby because I didn’t solute him. It wasn’t through disrespect, but more so a matter of being in my own little world, concentrating on what I was doing and oblivious to seeing him walk past. The way […]

What Is It Going To Take?

Well over a decade ago I was approached by the Townsville Crocodiles Mens Basketball team and asked to run the players through a few team building sessions and several activities to take them outside of their comfort zones. The objective of the three day activity was to provide the players with a different perspective to training and […]

Can’t Is The Real ‘C’ Word

Just one letter (and an apostrophe) marks the difference between these words; however, their meanings and how you use them can be the difference between a successful life and an unfulfilled one. How you see yourself and the understanding of what you are truly capable of as a human being are two of the most important things in […]