Terminator Mode

I have a close friend who has an ability to produce a strong and determined mindset to get something done, and he calls this state of mind, his ‘Terminator Mode’. This mindset is where your productivity is at its highest and you feel like there is nothing that can stop you. Where you are completely […]

Be The Hero Of Your Own Story

Having spent a quarter of my life in the Australian Army and having witnessed firsthand some of the most heroic men and women serving their country, I have always asked myself, “What does a hero look like?” A hero can be brave and willing to sacrifice his or her life, but I think we all have a hero […]

Happiness Is A Choice

Characterising genuine happiness is tough to do – just as hard as it is to attain. So what we need to do is to distinguish amongst moments of pleasure, feelings of elation, and actual happiness. Although there are a number of things that contribute to happiness, I think that a major contributing factor to long-term […]

You Get What You Give.

Of the 7.3 billion people on this planet, one thing we all have in common is that we all strive for one simple thing: happiness. But what is happiness? What is this amazing and sometimes elusive emotion that we’re all chasing after? Understanding that in order to gain happiness and fulfillment in your life, first […]