GOYA = Get Off Your Arse!

How do you acquire the extreme drive and dedication to be the best you can be both as an individual and as a team player? There is no simple answer to this, no detailed step-by-step guide. You first have to have a goal or a vision. Then you have to muster up the necessary energy […]

2017 – Your Best Year Yet?

We used to have an old saying in the Army, better known as the 7 P’s. Prior, planning and preparation, prevents, piss poor performance. 2017 is 19 days away and unless you start planning ahead and are conscious of the direction that life is taking you, you will fall victim to inheriting the standards society and […]

Never, Ever, Ever Give Up

This week I wanted to share one of my favorite stories of all time with you. A bit like an early Christmas present. ; ) It is an incredible story of perseverance and determination and one that I often use in my Be You. Be Great. and Selfless Leadership presentations. Sylvester Stallone had nothing. Zilch. Zero. […]

Are You A Boss Or A Leader?

I was invited to speak at an annual corporate convention recently, presenting on the subject of teamwork and leadership. After each presentation, I always allocate time for questions and afterwards enjoy speaking and getting to know the people at the conference and what makes that particular company tick. I was approached by a young, generation […]

Selfless Leadership

In my final weeks before discharging from the Army, I was scalded and threatened by a Major walking nearby because I didn’t solute him. It wasn’t through disrespect, but more so a matter of being in my own little world, concentrating on what I was doing and oblivious to seeing him walk past. The way […]