On your journey to a creating a collaborative team, you need to determine exactly what it is you want and what direction in which you wish to lead them.
To achieve this, you will require a detailed plan and the determination to work at it every day.
Don’t set out to build the Great Wall of China. Aiming for something so enormous almost always ends in total failure. Instead, think about it this way: set your mind to laying down one brick at a time, and then another. If you do that every day, before you know it, you’ll have a wall. This is how you should set goals for your team – one brick at a time.
Achieve something small every day and work gradually to bigger and bigger goals. When you set long term goals, think about what the team can do every day to achieve them. Starting with the end in mind and a scheduled list of things to do can help you set up the bricks.
The first step is simple: Find five areas that the team can improve in and that would be beneficial to the goals you are trying to achieve as a team. Then, encourage them to do those five things just 1% better than the day before. Just 1%, just a fraction better than yesterday or their last effort. Put simply, try to do a little bit better than you did the day before.
Teams that can improve by 1% in 5 distinctive areas, start to create an incremental advantage that has massive compounding effects and benefits over time.
For this to be effective, the team must adhere to and follow three stages:
Commitment. Effort. Momentum.
As with anything worthwhile in life, you will have obstacles, roadblocks and setbacks, and some days you won’t get your 1% improvement and possibly even go backwards.
Just remember, tomorrow is a new day, and you should be so excited about improving by the smallest margin that your spirit and passion to achieve whatever it is you want to do are so strong that no negatives can creep in and trouble or burden you.
My Takeaway For This Week:
Where are the 1% improvements required in your team and even your own individual life?
Is it increasing your knowledge base in a certain subject to make you more valuable to the team?
Is it improving your health and fitness regime that will have an impact on and improve productivity and your work rate?
Improving by 1 percent every day in five key areas of your life, will definitely make you a better version of yourself and improve the value you add to your team environment.
Finally, a quick exercise.
In your mind, fast forward to the 5th September 2018 and look back with the benefit of hindsight and realise that a year ago, you were glad you started today.
Before you go. I just wanted to say thanks for reading and sharing my fortnightly newsletters.
Inspiring, motivating and educating you on a fortnightly basis means a lot to me and my team.
If you are interested in discussing a Selfless Leadership Corporate Training Program and transforming the culture of your organisation, or schedule a keynote presentation for a conference or event, please contact me at ritchie@ritchiegibson.com
Have a great week ahead.