If you want to lead a successful life, be happier and inspire the best in others, realise that it is a combination of completing the one percenters, making the extra effort and doing the small things, even when you don’t want to.
Don’t set out to build the Great Wall of China. Aiming for something so enormous almost always ends in total failure. Instead, think about it this way: set your mind to laying down one brick at a time, and then another. If you do that every day, before you know it, you’ll have a wall.
Below are a few ingredients I think may be lacking if you perceive you’re not fulfilling your potential as a leader and you are not getting the buy in from your team.
but to help you realize your hidden potential.” – Unknown –
Ingredient #1: Backbone and Guts
The first thing that you will require in your recipe to fulfil your potential and to lead any team are a backbone and guts. You must be willing to lead by example and not listen to any excuses. Everything you require to fulfil your potential is inside you right now.
Ingredient #2: Self-belief
There is not one other person on this planet who is the same as you. You are an original, one of a kind. There is no improved version of you, no one with the same life experiences, and no one with your enthusiasm for what you wish to achieve. That means that you compete with no one but yourself. If you don’t believe in yourself and that you can accomplish great things, neither will anybody else. Self-belief is a key to becoming a great leader.
Ingredient #3: Action
Action always beats intention. Goal setting and planning are the building blocks to reaching your teams true potential; however, it is action that leads to success. You can achieve success without skill or talent, but you can never become successful at anything unless you first decide to take action.
Ingredient #4: Laziness
Being too lazy and not wanting to put in the work or effort needed is probably a contributing factor to why your team are not achieving their true potential.
Ingredient #5: Listen
Encourage your team to go against the status quo and don’t be afraid to seek out dissenting opinions and thoughts. Listen to those that challenge you, stretch you, develop you and ask them to justify their reasoning. A great leader encourages the team to weigh in and listens to the opinions before making a final judgement. Remember, if they don’t weigh in, they won’t buy in.
Just know, EVERYTHING revolves around the environment that you create as the leader. It all comes down to the culture and environment that the employees work in. This environment is nothing to do with the work we do, but more so with the people we work with.
What is it that creates this level of cooperation and camaraderie?
It all lies in three words, relationships, trust and honesty, which in turn breeds loyalty.
This all starts with a leader who is willing to set the tone, be selfless and put others first.
As a leader, you can’t do this alone. I can help you bring your team closer together and develop those attributes that create an altruistic environment. Everyone needs a coach or mentor. I have one and so should you!
Thank you very much for your ongoing support, reading, watching and sharing.
Inspiring, motivating and educating you on a fortnightly basis means a lot to me and my team.
If you are interested in discussing a Selfless Leadership corporate training program and transforming the culture of your organisation, or schedule a keynote presentation for a conference or event, please contact me at ritchie@ritchiegibson.com
Do you have another ingredient that you think may be missing from this recipe?
If so, drop me a line as I would love to hear from you.
Have a great week ahead.