Don’t Sweat The Small Stuff.

Two weeks ago, I celebrated my 45th birthday. I have realised that as we get older and are able to look back on our lives in hindsight, we sometimes regret not appreciating “something” or “someone.”

Most of us think we are not good enough, compare ourselves to everyone around us, and, worst of all, worry that things won’t go according to plan and that we’ll mess them up.

Too often in life, we concentrate on what we need to do and where we are headed rather than appreciate where we are and whom we are with.

If we can remember that we are human beings and not human doings and allocate a small percentage of our day to appreciating what we have in our lives, we will be happier and more relaxed.

Recent research shows that on average, we spend 92 percent of our emotional energies worrying over things that won’t happen or things we can’t change.

This week, apply these three simple steps to your life and watch how much more relaxed and enjoyable life becomes:

  1. Don’t allow yourself to get worked up over something that you probably won’t remember in years to come. As human beings, we have a tendency to make things more complicated than what they are.
  2. Forget the “what ifs” Most of them never happen. What ifs consume you and take up vital mental energy. They will end up swallowing you like quick sand. The more you let your imagination run wild and think about the stress, the worse the scenarios play out in your head.
  3. If you’re not being treated with the love and respect you deserve, check your mental price tag. Perhaps you have marked yourself down or, worse still, let other people mark you down. Value yourself more.
Your goal for this week’s is eliminate the ‘what if’s’, and increase the ‘so what’s’. I would love to know your thoughts and how that change in mindset worked for you………

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